Partners & Partnerships
Collaboration with the University of Sunderland to enable educators in China to secure UK Qualified Teacher Status (the globally recognized and highly valued teaching license)
The Year of the Dragon is indeed one of opportunities and prosperity, and Tuopu is very pleased to announce the development of a new collaboration project with the University of Sunderland’s Qualified Teacher Status team.
Tuopu held a series of productive meetings with the Assessment-only-Route to QTS Team at the University of Sunderland to initiate steps towards concretization of a partnership. The purpose of the collaboration is to facilitate the process of evaluation of QTS candidates in China, with Tuopu recruiting, interviewing, evaluating, advising, guiding and supporting applicants for a successful AoR to QTS.
Tuopu is also exploring the possibilities of rendering similar service for the new International Qualified Teacher Status, which the Department for Education has licensed the university to provide.
Tuopu is unique as training provider (China), on the ground, working directly with a DfE approved Initial Teacher Training provider, the University of Sunderland (UK), for two key priorities:
1. Ensuring teachers are qualified (QTS) so that they have a certificate from UK government to attest to their competence as a practitioner approved to work in a school
2. Ensuring quality of education to meet the standards of practice in UK
Difference between iPGCE, iQTS, AoR QTS, Level 5 DET to QTS
iPGCE stands for International Postgraduate Certificate in Education. This is a graduate programme for a prospective teacher to develop their professional competence in teaching. The iPGCE enables you to develop knowledge and understanding of standards, of pedagogy, of learning and related frameworks underpinning the practice of teaching. After doing the iPGCE, you still need teaching experience and training in order to reach a level of competence required for QTS.
iPGCE can be undertaken without the compliance pre-requites of QTS (legal requirements and requirements for Teachers’ Standards). This means you might find yourself with the iPGCE, but not meeting the requirements for QTS.
iQTS stands for International Qualified Teacher Status. This a the new DfE programme for QTS designed specifically for practitioners outside the United Kingdom. Current delivery of the programme may combine elements of iPGCE; it is essential, however, that candidates also meet the requirements of Teachers’ Standards. In the provision of iQTS, candidates will also be required to meet essential legal requirements for QTS.
This route is also suitable for new graduates, with no experience of teaching. The programme is very intensive, and requires the Initial Teacher Training institution to ensure placement in two schools/settings. This could be challenging for a practitioner in a limited setting or who is unable to change setting.
iQTS award should also take more than one academic year to complete where more time is required to demonstrates clear evidence of meeting the Teachers’ Standards. In an ideal case, iQTS should be a progression pathway from iPGCE, but it is currently delivered as a stand-alone programme.
iQTS stands for International Qualified Teacher Status. This a the new DfE programme for QTS designed specifically for practitioners outside the United Kingdom. Current delivery of the programme may combine elements of iPGCE; it is essential, however, that candidates also meet the requirements of Teachers’ Standards. In the provision of iQTS, candidates will also be required to meet essential legal requirements for QTS.
This route is also suitable for new graduates, with no experience of teaching. The programme is very intensive, and requires the Initial Teacher Training institution to ensure placement in two schools/settings. This could be challenging for a practitioner in a limited setting or who is unable to change setting.
iQTS award should also take more than one academic year to complete where more time is required to demonstrates clear evidence of meeting the Teachers’ Standards. In an ideal case, iQTS should be a progression pathway from iPGCE, but it is currently delivered as a stand-alone programme.
AoR to QTS stands for Assessment-only Route to Qualified Teacher Status. This is a very stringent process of evaluation of the candidate teacher seeking the award of QTS by the Teaching Regulation Agency. The potential applicant is first required to meet strict requirements, both legal and teaching.
Where the candidate qualifies for this possible route to QTS, they will then submit an expression of interest for review. Thereafter, where they are deemed to meet the basic requirements, they will proceed to applying for AoR QTS. From the point where the candidate is accepted, a 12-week evaluation period is set where the candidates undergoes a rigorous period of assessment of competence, based purely on demonstrating they meet ALL requirements of the Teachers’ Standards. This process includes internal observations, external observations and review of all evidences relevant for the evaluation. There are regular sessions of interviews and mentoring.
Even though the AoR to QTS is one the most suitable route for experienced teachers in international education, it is a rigorous process. The candidate must be fully aware of both the legal requirements and the evidential requirements (Teachers’ Standards). In addition, it would be very, very difficult to apply for QTS again if you fail the evaluation. Hence, the University of Sunderland and Tuopu take a very proactive approach not only to filter candidates for compliance, but to also provide adequate guidance and support before initiating the evaluation period.
Level 5 DET to QTS is for the Diploma in Education and Training. This is a qualification approved by Ofqual to provide an entry point into the teaching profession; it is very broad in its design (with 37 units). The final assessment for the award of the Diploma is a portfolio of evidence. Tuopu has selected relevant units and designed the programme such that it is underpinned by the Teachers’ Standards, and leads to a complete portfolio of evidence which can then be used to meet the practice requirement for QTS.
In UK, a degree is not required for DET. However, in order to ensure compliance with the legal requirements for QTS, Tuopu has made it a requirement for candidates. In addition, as part of the AoR to QTS progression pathway, entry for Tuopu’s DET programme is conditional upon commitment to also meet other legal requirements.
The award of QTS depends on compliance – statutory, school, qualifications and practice, whether it is through iPGCE, iQTS, AoR to QTS or DET to QTS. Statutory compliance relates to a variety of aspects.
For all routes to QTS, experience is required – whether prior or through the programme. Anyone applying for QTS is generally required to be in practice. One cannot apply for QTS when not in teaching.
TESOL, TEFL and other such certificates are not based on the need to meet the statutory requirements. You are not a qualified teacher with simply a TEFL, TESOL, other certifications from IB, Cambridge, Masters or any other teaching qualifications, unless you are awarded QTS by UK’s Teaching Regulation Agency through an approved ITT (e.g. University of Sunderland).
Tuopu is here in China to support you in securing the Qualified Teacher Status with the University of Sunderland (UK). Tuopu is here to support your development with the National Professional Qualifications with LLSE (UK).
Tuopu also supports schools with the National College CPD Platform and bespoke CPD programmes for insets and CPD days.
Send us your resume for review – with details of your teaching experience and your qualifications (degree & GCSE/equivalent)
Get a private consultation for a complete and free advice on your particular situation
Get a personalised programme / itinerary for meeting the requirements of QTS application
Access information and relevant support materials to secure the QTS
Develop in your career from QTS to NPQ