Transform schools and the lives of the children
All National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are designed and quality-assured by UK Department of Education (DfE).
The NPQH course:
• intends to develop leaders of education who can transform schools and the lives of the children under their care and in the community,
• is the only gold-standard professional and practical qualification for headship which is recognized globally. There is no equivalent,
• is certified by the UK government’s Department for Education. The training content follows the National Professional Qualification (NPQ): Headship Framework,
• it's curriculum is designed by LLSE, following the DfE framework and the Education Endowment Foundation Implementation Framework,
• consists of FOUR modules (each lasts 12 weeks) covering the 10 domains of the framework. The content of the domains is contextualized for international participants through the support of the facilitators,
• consists of face-to-face and virtual events which are organized in each module to support participants and create opportunities for networking and collaborative learning experiences.
Throughout the course, you will cover all the domains in the framework – ‘learning what’ to do, and ‘learning how’ to do it:
School Culture: e.g. establish and sustain the school’s strategic direction…
Teaching: e.g. ensure teaching across the school includes effective explanations and modelling …
Curriculum and Assessment: e.g. oversee the design and implementation of carefully sequenced, broad and coherent curriculum…
Behaviour: e.g. establish and sustain a positive, predicable and safe environment for pupils …
Additional & Special Educational Needs and Disabilities: e.g. ensure all pupils experience success…
Professional Development: e.g. ensure colleagues engage in effective professional development …
Organisational Management: e.g. ensure protection and safety of pupils and colleagues …
Implementation: e.g. plan and execute implementation in stages …
Working in Partnership: e.g. work in partnership with parents, carers, other schools, alongside the community…
Governance and Accountability: e.g. appropriately participate in governance, and fulfil obligations to give account, be challenged, and accept responsibility …
*For participants in China: there is an added advantage of learning about and developing implementation suited to international/bilingual education in a specific context. This advantage is unique and adds value to the qualification – which goes beyond the UK context.
Are you a suitable candidate?
• You are a headteacher/principal or aspiring to be a headteacher/principal
• Your current remit includes whole school responsibilities
• You are prepared to spend 1-2 hours only per week completing the course
• You are willing to network and connect with other school leaders for professional development and learning
• You want to grow professional, lead school transformation and create opportunities that will impact the futures of children
If you genuinely want to be a school leader and have the opportunity to impact the lives of children in an international or bilingual school, this is the best opportunity.