Elevate Yourself from Teaching to Leadership with NPQLT

All National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are designed and quality-assured by UK Department of Education (DfE). 

NPQLT is designed for and to make school leaders, to develop expertise for and in school leadership.

Tailored for teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading teaching in a subject, year group, key stage, or phase. 

NPQLT follows the Leading Teaching Framework, and supports you to learn how to: 

1. Contribute to the creation of a culture of high expectations across the school 

2. Contribute to the creation of a culture of professional learning and continuous improvement for colleagues 

3. Explain important ideas about how pupils learn to colleagues  

4. Support colleagues to help pupils learn  

5. Support colleagues to design a carefully sequenced, broad and coherent curriculum  

6. Support colleagues to develop pupils’ literacy by sharing and modelling approaches literacy skills 

7. Support colleagues to plan effective lessons 

8. Support colleagues to explain and model effectively  

9. Encourage colleagues to stimulate pupil thinking and check for understanding  

10. Provide opportunities for all pupils to experience success  

11. Support colleagues to adapt their teaching to different pupil needs 

12. Support colleagues to meet individual needs without creating unnecessary workload  

13. Ensure pupils are grouped effectively (across subjects and within individual classrooms)  

14. Support colleagues to avoid common assessment pitfalls  

15. Contribute to the design of school assessment systems  

16. Support colleagues to provide high-quality feedback  

17. Contribute to effective professional development linked to teaching, curriculum and assessment across the school  

18. Plan, conduct, and support colleagues to conduct, regular, expert-led conversations (which could be referred to as mentoring or coaching) about teaching  

19. Avoid common teacher assessment pitfalls by designing approaches  

20. Plan and execute implementation in stages  

21. Make the right choices on what to implement  

22. Prepare appropriately for changes 

23. Deliver changes 

24. Sustain changes 


Transform schools and the lives of the children


A Cup of Tea at Yantai Huasheng International School