How do we support your Continuous Professional Development?
Tuopu, in partnership with government approved institutions, provides you with:
• UK National Professional Qualifications – to get you certified as a leader of school (Leadership NPQs) and a leader in schools (Specialist NPQs)
• Diploma in Education and Training – to get you a qualification for teaching in schools
• The National College – to get schools instant access to certified CPD courses that they can manage and organize in a way that fits both with needs of staff and the school improvement priorities
NPQ for your professional development
- NPQ course develops leaders which is vital for success of school
- When schools enroll teachers on NPQ courses, they ensure retention and prevent teacher turnover
- When schools enroll teachers on NPQ courses, they benefit from case studies which improve different aspects of the school operations
- NPQ leaders identify ways to improve quality of education and learning experience of children
- NPQ leaders develop better vision to grow and expand the school
DIPLOMA for your teaching license
- Schools can enroll new graduates on diploma programme, allowing schools to have more staff
- With new graduates learning to teach, schools can improve staff retention
- For teachers without teaching qualifications, diploma ensures improvement in practice
- Diploma enable teachers to understand teaching standards which improves overall quality of teaching
- From diploma, teachers can gain license, which improves the confidence of parents in the school and teaching staff.
NATIONAL COLLEGE for the whole school CPD
- When a school takes membership of the National College, it can/will:
- choose from a wide range of courses for their own setting
- track and monitor everyone’s progress and
- provide invaluable resource to the coordinator to manage the development of all members of staff
- use the platform to manage groups, departments and faculties
- develop and include their own CPD resources for anyone in the school
- quickly evaluate impact of CPD on teaching and learning
- integrate courses with observations, appraisals and performance management
- improve quality of teaching with clear evidence to share with stakeholders