NPQLBC: National Professional Qualification for LEADING BEHAVIOUR AND CULTURE

Why this course?

You will learn how to create a culture of good behaviour and high expectations in which staff and pupils can thrive.

You will gain confidence and develop expertise in:

  • creating a culture of high expectations 

  • supporting colleagues with all aspects of their teaching 

  • contributing to effective professional development linked to teaching, curriculum and assessment 

Who is this for?

For teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading behaviour and/or supporting pupil wellbeing in their school or college.

This course is for teachers and middle leaders who have, or want to have, responsibilities for leading academic and pastoral strategies for optimum learning conditions in classrooms and whole school. leading teaching in a subject, year group, key stage or phase. 

The role of leading behaviour and culture is relevant for any teacher in any position in the school, whether a head of subject, group, key stage, phase, faculty or whole school section.

What will you study?

As part of the online learning, you will have the opportunity to engage with relevant research and evidence, learn how leaders in other schools carry out their role and participate in discussion forum activities with everyone else completing the same qualification as you. 

Topics include:

  • Effective teaching

  • School Culture

  • Enabling conditions for good behaviour

  • Complex behavioural needs

  • Professional development

  • Effective implementation

For you?

Yes. Behaviour and culture are key building blocks of effective teaching and learning. This course is beneficial for any teacher in all schools.

This is a 12-month programme with an 8-day window for final summative assessment.

Complete the form and register now for Spring 2024.